Karna, the Courageous

Karna is perhaps the most skilled and valiant warrior in the Kurukshetra war fought between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. Having said that, Karna was also undoubtedly the most ill fated or unluckiest character in the epic Mahabharata. Bad luck struck him right from the time of his birth. Karna was in fact the eldest of Kunti's (Mother of Pandavas) sons. The story of his birth goes like this - When Kunti was young and still unmarried, the sage Durvasav happened to visit her father's palace. She served the sage with utmost care throughout his stay at the palace for an entire year. Pleased at her hospitality and foreseeing her future that she wouldn't have children after her marriage to Pandu, Durvasav granted her a boon to call upon any God of her choice and beget a child. The sage advised her to use the boon only after her marriage. But out of curiosity and the enthusiasm of her young age she invoked the mantra and called the Sun God. And thus Karna was born. Being the so...